KURNIANTO, Sigit Tri and WIBOWO, Dwi Basuki (2011) PERANCANGAN MODEL SUSPENSI MAGNETIK SUMBU TUNGGAL. Undergraduate thesis, Mechanical Engineering Departement of Diponegoro University.
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Magnetic Levitation (maglev) is the process cast an object to a reference without using any aid other than magnetic fields. It has been a lot of tools in industry and transport that apply theory to the magnetic levitation. In the world of transportation, for example, the principle of magnetic levitation is the embryo of controlling high-speed magnetic train that has a coefficient of friction is very small. With magnetic levitation systems, frictionless train with train tracks can be minimized since no direct contact with the rail or can be said to float between the rails and magnets. In this final project, "Design of Single Axis Magnetic Suspension Model" aims to demonstrate illustration of magnetic control to cast a steel ball with one degree of freedom that is the vertical direction. Control in this design is controlled in a very unstable situation. The force of gravity acting on the ball causes the control to do the maximum and sustained so as not to give room for the ball to slide following the direction of gravity forces and also for the steel ball is attached to a solenoid (electromagnet). Based on experiments conducted, the result is a single-axis magnetic suspension model is able to lift the steel ball at a height of 3 mm from the tip of a solenoid with current 1.50 A. Steel ball can be posted but can not be stable.
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